Siren Song & Shipwreck ~ Passages Across the Sea
I could have listened to her forever, so vast her experience, so full her life. Her words raised goosebumps as she spoke about her early life, “I know what it’s like to be a refugee in a strange country,” she told us, “I know what it’s like to be really hungry.”
This Mossland Will Conquer
This mossland will conquer its bounds / growing millimetre by millimetre a year…
Tree Folklore for The Spirit Season
Trees are symbols of this cycle, of this ever turning wheel. They signify the seasons, and show the incremental changes that occur as the wheel creaks ever onwards; the blossom of spring, the lush green of early summer, the fruits of late summer and early autumn. The dramatic colour show and loss that mark late autumn and the bare branches and evergreens of winter.
Get 20% off all orders of $20 or more until the end of the year.
The Challenge of Earth-based Paganism in the Social Media Age
At the time of writing this article, the #witchtok on Tiktok has more views than #biden, the current president of the United States. This is quite clearly a shocking development, one that those who worked in metaphysical stores in the 1990s never would’ve anticipated.
Waco Revisited: A Critique of Violence Against New Religious Movements
From Aidan Simardone
Sacred Hunter: A Tale for the Eve of Samhain
What I am advocating is a radical reappraisal of how we relate to our food, whether animal, vegetable, or both.
Brazil’s most effective anti-fascist strategy
In a world where politicians lie constantly, companies continue to wreck the Earth and our food is processed with things we can’t pronounce, we ought to think carefully about who has our faith.
An Invocation to Self
And of course, prayer need not always be verbal. It can be as simple as standing barefoot on the grass or listening to the birdsong at sunrise. But even from this must come action to protect those very things that give solace, that cannot protect themselves. In this way, this communion with this other becomes something that is reciprocal.
Four Songs in the Autumn | a collection of poems
The cycle cannot be escaped;
All there is to do is coax out words and coat
The atavistic sorrow
COURSE: Land...Loss & Reconnection, with Alley Valkyrie
An upcoming course from Alley Valkyrie!
The Tyranny of Machine Meaning
We don’t really have a good way of measuring the effects of social media on how we conceive of ourselves, despite intuitively understanding that it’s not good for us.
The Stations of the Moss
This is not the path to crucifixion.
Neither is this the path to a bog burial.
We Are What We Always Were: A Response to “What Happened to Anarchism”
If the people we fight against had their way, then none of us would be safe for another day. That’s all the reason I need to stand against them.
Of Sunrises & Stone Circles
Stanton Moor is a beautiful place, rich in history, nature and, of course, magic. It is an early Bronze age burial ground with over seventy barrows and cairns. When you’re there on an early October morning you can feel how special this place is. The land is full of spirits, and you can feel them here. Perhaps these hills are liminal places, wild spaces where the veil is thin at most times, but even more so at this time of year.
Stop Trying to Save Indigenous People
Violence against Indigenous people is not a natural disaster, and they need not be rescued from it. To be rescued from violence doesn’t end violence, it only keeps certain people temporarily safe.
Art, Resistance, Magic ~ Remedios Varo
The art of Remedios Varo does indeed show the dream world and the real world are the same, combining technical drawing and surrealism in a way that brings the dreamworld into the realm of the everyday, hinting at the magical nature of the world. Using contrasts in colour and texture, Varo captures the essence of the ‘other’. My favourite piece, if I had to choose just one, is called Star Maker.