Animism, Land Emma Kathryn Animism, Land Emma Kathryn

By Thorn & By Poison

There’s something special to be found in all the seasons, but my heart belongs to the growing dark. I find something soothing in the winding down, in the retreat, and as an introvert, it feels like coming home. And of course, there is a beauty in the slow decay that comes with autumn. The trees put on a colour show far more beautiful than any illuminations.

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A Beautiful Resistance Emma Kathryn A Beautiful Resistance Emma Kathryn

To a Beautiful Resistance

A reminder to reach out to those in your community who want to see the same things as you, freedom from oppression and poverty; empathy. Form those community groups. We don’t have to like everyone in those communities, and you won’t either, that’s just human nature, but our shared goals and values are what unite us.

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Folklore Emma Kathryn Folklore Emma Kathryn

Of Selkies & Hag Stones

Of course, when one thinks of seals, one can’t help but think about that folkloric creature, the Selkie. Folklore and stories about the Selkie can be found all over the British isles, particularly across Scotland, Ireland and the East coast.

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Christopher Scott Thompson Christopher Scott Thompson

About the Book of Onei

The Book of Onei covers topics that many modern pagans seem to shy away from: spiritual horror, the power of nightmares, and how to use that power to break through the constructs of your own dreams and find out what is on the other side.”

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