Named after the Celtic goddess of river crossings, Ritona publishes compelling
and accessible works about Paganism, Animism, Druidry, Heathenism, Herbalism, and Witchcraft, as well as visionary poetry.
Latest & Upcoming Titles
The Latest From Our Journal, A Beautiful Resistance
Folklore connects us to one another and to the land where we find ourselves, but they also allow us to access the knowledge of those who came before.
A poem from Hunter Bloodmoon's just-released book, An Autopsy
An astounding collection of poems from Philip Kane
“spells of contagious self-reclamation…”
“… to borrow the phrase my friend Alley Valkyrie is fond of using about every apparent “contradiction” within liberal democracy: “it’s not a bug — it’s a feature.” In other words, the problems that seem to keep the capitalist liberal order from making good on its claims can never be resolved, because it needs to create them in order to exist.”
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January Featured Author:
Anthony Rella
Anthony Rella is a therapist, a writer, and a spiritual teacher in Seattle, bringing light to dark places and honoring the shadows in bright spaces.
His website is here.