Named after the Celtic goddess of river crossings, Ritona publishes compelling
and accessible works about Paganism, Animism, Druidry, Heathenism, Herbalism, and Witchcraft, as well as visionary poetry.
Latest & Upcoming Titles
The Latest From Our Journal, A Beautiful Resistance
From Rhyd Wildermuth: " I'm not the sort of person the police or military exist to protect...why let them murder in my name?"
Three Caucasian-American men were awarded a million dollars for a research project which concludes that wealth is where Europeans are.
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September Featured Author:
Asa West
Asa West is a witch, writer, and artist in Los Angeles, California. Her work stems from Reclaiming Witchcraft, British Traditional Witchcraft, and her Jewish heritage, and she's fascinated by the intersections of nature and civilization. You can find more of her writing and art on Instagram at @TheRedTailWitch.
Updates from Ritona
Ritona Books is about to greatly expand our offerings in collaboration with the soon-to-be-born Sul Books.
This means we’ll be publishing many more books, more frequently, and in even more formats — including audio books. Also, we’ll be able to offer many, many more courses in a more convenient and affordable digital format.
In the meantime, we’re currently upgrading our website, online store, course platform, and our journal. Thanks for your patience with this process!