Vinyl Paganism
What I call “vinyl paganism” means consciously choosing technologies that allow us to slow down, pay attention, be present in place and in our bodies, and let the more-than-human world speak to us in its own way.
Swan cubs and Trampoline
- Look, this is how quiet I can be,
the child said to a star in the sky
An Ode to the Game of Poker
The biggest obstacles to women in the poker world are: “having the money to play and the confidence in their ability to win.”
Of Chaos and Of Monsters
“Change will come even — and especially — for this order, too.”
The new author’s introduction to True To The Earth, by Kadmus
Into the Wild Woods: Beneath the Boughs in Summer
Time is a funny thing out in the woods, seeming to stand still and yet be constantly shifting, an ode to the ever turning wheel of the year and the ebb and flow of the seasons.
Re-Placing Ourselves
The reason we are increasingly disconnected is because we are losing the places where we connect. Real places. Places with history. Places that bound up in a network of relationships. And if we are ever to find one another again, we have to find those places again.
Announcing a new edition of True To The Earth!
A revised and updated edition of one of our best sellers, also in hardback!
Separating organic waste can prevent leptospirosis and save lives
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by the failure of basic sanitation services, the overcrowding of municipalities in favor of the real estate market, and by inhuman levels of social inequality.
Encounter With a Fox
Wildness is often used in our modern languages to suggest chaos, disorder. But I was granted insight in those few seconds, I think, into another kind of order that we supposedly civilised humans have lost, and that we struggle to recover.
'Is it Fake?' The question AI inherited from Art
How we handle the technological changes of our era, and our ability to keep up with them, defines whether innovation symbolizes the advancement or detriment of society.
What a Mormon Musical Taught Me About Democracy
In order for democracy to work, we have to fight the impulse to surrender our power. We have to take responsibility for our own lives, individually and collectively. That means making a practice of taking back power from those who we have surrendered it to—even when believe they are using it benevolently.
My Mariology
The snake you mistake
For evil’s the same one
Who led us from Egypt
And freed us from Eden
The current Jack-in-the-Green is a modern iteration, but belongs to an older tradition of “green beings” that populate English folk custom. Jack-in-the-Green himself emerged as a tradition in the eighteenth century, becoming closely associated with chimney sweeps and their May Day celebrations.