The Connections Between Bolsonaro Supporters, QAnon, Satanism and Aliens
Once we advocate for Democratic principles, or any basic mode of co-existing on a planet with 8 billion people, we are bound to face situations where certain groups take their theories to a Dictatorial level.
Dualities and Polarities: Are They Useful in Paganism?
For most people there’s male and female, masculine and feminine. We’re used to duality as a way of seeing the world: Plato, Descartes, Manichaeanism, all taught us that the ways of the world are easily divided into two – night and day, good and bad, mind over matter, mythos and logos.
The Power of Words: A Brief Exploration of Language in Magic
Words and language are indeed pure magic. It is how we share ideas, how we communicate, how we affect change and inspire change in others and in ourselves.
The Point of Contention of Brazil’s 2022 Presidential Elections
Lula will not be able to single-handedly shift humanity’s course away from global collapse and economic despair.
Soap Has Always Been With Us, and Longer Still
Soap is timeless, or rather a thing which reminds us that what we consider as time now is never linear, never a march from “primitive” to “progress.” Soap has always been with us, and longer still.
Gateway to the Otherworld ~ Folklore of the Fly Agaric
It’s a beautiful place all year through but seems extra special in the autumn months. But it’s not just the beauty and the sense of spirit that draws me to the woods at this time of year, though I cannot deny that in itself is enough, anything else an added bonus. It’s mushroom season.
Muslim Nigerian Women as Refugees in Brazil
Brazil, despite its unmatched connection to Africa, is utterly unequipped to care for the influx of African refugees, especially Muslim Nigerian women.
The Magic Cooking Pot
Perhaps it is no wonder then that this time of year brings to mind cooking pots (as I write this I’m reminded I need a new slow cooker). The cauldron is one of those items perhaps most associated with witchcraft, magic and fire.
The Blue Roots of Green Crisis
“What we now know as the professional police force only spend 10% of their time on anything to do with the law. Most of their time is involved in maintaining the social order.”
The Desert Spirits
This ended up functioning like a lucid dreaming technique, in which I would sometimes be awake and sometimes in REM sleep, and sometimes in-between the two. This poem is a record of the things I saw and heard on that long drive through the desert.
The Most Dangerous Story Ever Told: Ecological Collapse, Progress, and Human Destiny
We were born here and we are meant to die here. That is our destiny. It always was. We can either embrace it, or we can continue to deny it, to tell ourselves wishful stories about interstellar travel and making a home for humans on other planets, and thereby hasten our extinction.
“I couldn’t help but feel that an epic character like my father deserved to be remembered in an epic way, so I composed this elegy for him about a year after he died.”
Equinox Musings ~ Connections, Layers & Land
And as the cycles of nature begin that inevitable unwinding, it tugs at the corner of our nostalgia and perhaps we return to that stage of reflection where we can linger over our experiences, all of those events and happenings that have touched our lives.
Collecting Interests: Capitalism, Dracula, and the Immortal
It seems we live in an age where there is every impulse to discard one’s interests and hobbies in favor of wealth, production, and internalized capitalistic behaviors.
The problems with superstar environmentalist photographer Sebastião Salgado
It is difficult to bring a critical eye to such a respected figure in the world of artistic, political and environmental activism. People are complex and therefore so are their artistic productions. I believe that Sebastião Salgado's work exists somewhere between the beneficial and the harmful.
The Descent of Autumn or Becoming Wild Once More
I feel at home on mornings such as this, want nothing more than to melt into the land, to glide through the woods unseen by human eyes, to breathe in that wood spice scent that only autumn brings. Even as my spirit craves this, instead I must retract my claws, disguise my wildness as I get ready for the day ahead, but for now, in this moment, this is enough.