Anarchism: An Everyday Philosophy
“If we switch our mental focus and ground our conception of anarchism in the here and now, then what would our anarchism look like?”
Upcoming Course: Circling The Star, with Anthony Rella
A course from Académie Hérètique and Anthony Rella
An Animistic Revolution
Sometimes it is the beauty of a tree, it’s branches bare with the sky as a backdrop that catches me unaware. Familiar as these trees might be on my journey from work, still their beauty enchants me. The sky might be the pale blue of early evening, or grey and low, pregnant with the prospect of snow, sometimes a dazzling golden pink with clouds that would put any Michelangelo to shame.
The Gossip Seminar
By putting these two words together, I proposed to dismantle historical fiction that made gossip a misogynistic pejorative term with the intention of dismantling links between people who flee from patriarchal structures.
Do you have ‘problematic’ items on your altar?
“Forests need to be respected as crucial for the vibrant web of life they nurture. Each tree is an individual life connected to other lives.”
[An introduction to anti-capitalist paganism]
Courteous, the Self, Superfluous, the State
Vestiges will linger while we pace and wait.
Generations died before the serfs were made to kiss the wheel,
Strap their twisted backs upon the clock and hammer glowing steel.
Slowly we'll relearn the right to sleep in late,
Virtual Vandalism and the Dispute Against Leftists
“We mistakenly attribute the concept of vandalism to what is ‘marginal,’ and rarely to what is ‘central,’ when the term should apply to infringements against the integrity of public property in general. […] Vandalism is, therefore, the attempt to destroy property even in its abstract form — the body and identity.”
The Old Gods
Mugwort grows here in the summer months, ragwort and wild rose too, the bare skeletons of the latter reach up from the winter grass, the hips bright red like oxgenated blood. The scent of fox urine fills my nose as I enter into the dog foxes territory. It feels like I’ve come home.
The Pagan Music List #6: Rúnahild, QNTAL, In Extremo, Wolcensmen
The sixth edition of the Pagan Music List.
EDITORIAL: The Church of Social Media
The last entity to have this much control over human meaning was the Catholic Church
Ash Dieback and the Dying World Tree
In the Norse myths the great ash, Yggdrasil, is the World Tree. Its image is one of ecological integrity. Ash dieback, a disease of the European ash, has both profound ecological and mythological implications.
Who Watches the Watchmen?
“These deaths were simultaneously brutal and surreal, horrific and childishly ridiculous. The modern face of fascism is a killer in a clownish Viking outfit, face painted and howling in mindless joy because he did something to get noticed.”
Our Spring and Summer Course Schedule, 2021
Courses on Paganism and Witchcraft from Gods&Radicals Press
Getting Rid of Trump Doesn’t Treat the Pervasive Toxicity of ‘American Democracy’
“Fidelity to the rule of law” may now be a sentiment that serves our fleeting motivation to get rid of Trump, but it will never rescue us from the pervasive toxicity of the global political landscape ‘American Democracy’ has devised.
COURSE OFFERING: Becoming Wild (JAN-FEB 2021)
The second offering of Emma Kathryn’s popular course!
The Woodland Realm & The Power Within
All of these things become ingrained, they seep into the land, the streets and so it is no real surprise that these places have their own genius loci. All of the events that are happening now will also become ingrained in those places where they occur. We can affect the spirit of place, our actions. What we do and what we don’t.
The Gospel of Compost
The gospel of compost is isn’t a story of the permanent triumph of life over death, but of the eternal interconnectedness of life and death, of joy and defeat, of loss and fulfillment. And ultimately, it is a story of love. Love for the world right here, right now, in all its glorious messiness.