Enclosure & The Body: An Interview with Silvia Federici
“Out of the witch hunts comes a whole new disciplinary regime that becomes the norm for women in capitalism.”
The Gossip Seminar
By putting these two words together, I proposed to dismantle historical fiction that made gossip a misogynistic pejorative term with the intention of dismantling links between people who flee from patriarchal structures.
Reclaiming the Body of the Witch: a review of Beyond the Periphery of the Skin from Silvia Federici
While Caliban and the Witch told us the story of how bodies were subjugated and how we became separated from our bodies, her latest book, Beyond the Periphery of the Skin—Rethinking, Remaking, and Reclaiming the Body in Contemporary Capitalism, addresses how our relations to the body play out now, especially in the digital age where the cyborg (half human, half machine) has replaced the earlier mechanistic model of the body-as-machine.
The Factory Floor & The Witches Stake
To accept Empire is to deny the dead, the tortured witches of our past and the tortured rebels dying in Empire’s prisons. To not fight Empire is to defy our own bodies, defile the land and destroy the bodies of others. To accept Empire is to become Empire.
In Praise of the Dancing Body
Capitalism alienates us from our body, so our liberation must begin with the body. An essay from Silvia Federici
Revolution At The Witching Hour: The Legacy of Midnight Notes
Sylvia Federici's "Caliban & The Witch" radically transformed our understanding of the witch burnings. Here are other books from her and the Midnight Notes Collective of deep interest to Pagan Anti-Capitalists
Pagans Are A Conquered People
From James Lindenschmidt: "It doesn't matter what kind of Pagan you are, which specific tradition, subculture, or set of Pagan values you embrace, we Pagans are a conquered people."