Help us translate PAGAN ANARCHISM into German!

Pagan Anarchism, by Christopher Scott Thompson, has been by far our most popular release.

And now it’s being translated into German!

As with other translation projects, we pay translators and copy-editors for these new editions through support from our readers, so we’d like to request your help in funding this translation.

Gods&Radicals Press can fund layout, cover design, and production for the project, but we need to raise $400 US to pay for the translator and copy-editor.

All funds we raise for this up to $400 will be used for the German translation. Any excess funds will be used for future translations (into Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, French, etc.).

Any level of donation is deeply appreciated. As a special thank you, if you donate at the $50 level, we’d like to send you any one of our books (your choice) if you’d like. And for donations of $100 or more, we’d like to send you our full digital catalogue.

Scheduled release for the German translation is Autumn, 2020.

To support this project, please click on the donate link below. And thank you!


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